Selfie Frame

Want to make your photos stand out? USe a colorful, polaroid-style selfie frame to take group and individual photos.



Creating the Frame

  1. Print out cutout sheets.
  2. Using a ruler and pencil, measure 7.5cm / 3in from the top (the short side) and draw a line.
  3. Using a ruler and pencil, measure 18cm/ 7in from the bottom (the short side) and draw a line.
  4. Using a ruler and pencil, measure 5cm / 2 in from the left side (the long side) and draw a line. Repeat for the right side.
  5. Using an X-Acto knife, cut out the center box that you just drew.

Adding cutouts

  1. Flip the board over.
  2. Cut out the “POP-UP Festival” strip and tape it together to the other half.
  3. Tape the strip to the top of the frame. It should fit between the lines of the cutout.
  4. Cut out the elephant.
  5. Tape the elephant on the left-hand side of the bottom section.
  6. Cut out the crowd of characters with the words “POP-UP Festival”
  7. Tape the crowd on the right-hand side of the bottom section.
  8. Cut out one set of stripes.
  9. Tape the maroon block with the extra white strip below to the orange block. (see video)
  10. Tape the complete strip to the left edge section and align the red block with the top of the cutout.
  11. Repeat on the right side.

Decoration Source

Kristin Aoki & Mia Skaggs
1 Comment
  1. Parveen Sheikh

    I received the POP-UP festival kit today. It is awesome. I loved it.


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