Special Collection: Loneliness

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Alebrijes and Me

Alebrijes and Me

At this station, you’ll learn about special creatures from Mexican folklore tradition and look to animals in the world to help you identify powerful qualities inside you that can be developed to help you with climate action.
What are your special inner strengths? What do you have in common with powerful creatures? Try this art activity and share your powers to help with climate action.

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Build your Community

Build your Community

In this activity, kids will have a chance to see different kinds of communities and talk about the components that make them. Thinking about how these components make them feel. They will create their own ideal community on paper.

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Circles of Belonging

Circles of Belonging

Having a sense of belonging doesn’t have to be abstract — we can count the number of groups we belong to, and we can name the people with whom we feel loved.

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Circles of Compassion

Circles of Compassion

Compassion gives us the ability to understand someone else’s situation and the desire to take action to improve their lives. Since, every person on Earth is dependent on others for help and support, practicing compassion means that we recognize and honor this interdependency, and it also means that we can always take action to support actions that improve not only our lives and beyond our home, but into the community and the whole wide world.

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Color Your Heart

Color Your Heart

At this station, you’ll identify emotions you are feeling and color a heart to represent what is going on inside.

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Emotion Garden

Emotion Garden

We don’t always appreciate the special people in our lives. Let’s think about one special person and pay attention to the feelings they share with us. We can show them gratitude and tell them how much care.

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Emotional Iceberg

Emotional Iceberg

Think of an iceberg; what is visible above the ocean surface is only a small part of the whole. Create an Emotion Iceberg to explore the visible and hidden parts of your thoughts/feelings/actions.

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Grateful Mail

Grateful Mail

Practicing gratitude is linked with so many benefits, how can we teach our children to grow up with an “attitude of gratitude”? In this activity, kids (and adults!) will make art about what they are grateful for, then they will send the art to someone they love.

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Lanterna di luce

Lanterna di luce

C’è una luce dentro ogni persona. A volte può essere difficile condividere quella luce con tutti; forse ci sentiamo timidi e nascondiamo le nostre qualità speciali o non ci viene data l’opportunità di brillare a causa del nostro genere o della nostra provenienza. In questa attività, i bambini si concentrano su qualcosa che li rende speciali e su ciò che vogliono che il mondo intero sappia.

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Lanterna di luce

Shine Bright

There is a light inside every person. Sometimes it can be challenging to share that light with everyone; maybe we feel shy and hide our special qualities or we are not given opportunities to shine brightly because of our gender or background. In this activity, kids focus on something that makes them special and what they want the whole world to know.

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Circles of Belonging

تعلق کے حلقے

تعلق کے احساس کا ھونا خیالی یا تصوراتی چیز نھیں ۔ ھم کئ ایسے گروہ شمار کر سکتے ھیں جن سے ھمارا تعلق ھوتا ھے، اسی طرح ھم کئ ایسے لوگوں کے نام لے سکتے ھیں جن سے ھم پیار کرتے ھیں۔

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Circles of Belonging

حلقه های تعلق

داشتن حس تعلق الزاما نباید ذهنی باشد— ما می توانیم تعداد گروه هایی که در آنها عضو هستیم را بشماریم واسم افرادی را که با آنها حس دوستانه ای داریم راهم نام ببریم

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Lanterna di luce



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Grateful Mail


感謝をすることは、たくさんの恩恵へとつながっています。子供たちに感謝の姿勢をもって育つことを、どのように教えることができるでしょうか? このアクティビティでは、子供たち(大人も!)が、感謝していることについて作品を作ります。そして、大好きな人にその作品を贈ります。

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Emotion Garden



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Build your Community



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