Special Collection: Friendship

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Build your Community

Build your Community

In this activity, kids will have a chance to see different kinds of communities and talk about the components that make them. Thinking about how these components make them feel. They will create their own ideal community on paper.

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Circles of Belonging

Circles of Belonging

Having a sense of belonging doesn’t have to be abstract — we can count the number of groups we belong to, and we can name the people with whom we feel loved.

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Emotion Garden

Emotion Garden

We don’t always appreciate the special people in our lives. Let’s think about one special person and pay attention to the feelings they share with us. We can show them gratitude and tell them how much care.

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Feast of Great Relationships

Feast of Great Relationships

Think of your favorite meal. To make this meal, we might follow a recipe. What are some of the ingredients we need? Today, using relationship ingredients, we’re going to create a Recipe for Great Relationships.

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Friendship Medal

Friendship Medal

At this station, you’ll practice showing appreciation of each other and contribute to others feeling good about themselves.

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Grateful Mail

Grateful Mail

Practicing gratitude is linked with so many benefits, how can we teach our children to grow up with an “attitude of gratitude”? In this activity, kids (and adults!) will make art about what they are grateful for, then they will send the art to someone they love.

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HeartMath Intuitive Listening

HeartMath Intuitive Listening

This game involves focused listening and understanding with a partner. Listening is one of the more difficult skills to develop. It takes time and practice to become a good listener. Oftentimes, our own points of view and emotions color what we hear other people saying. It takes practice to quiet down the thinking brain and listen with an open heart and mind. Part of listening involves intuition–the ability to sense what someone is meaning without the person actually saying it.

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Kind or Unkind

Kind or Unkind

Kindness can be deeper than “please” and “thank you.” But it can be confusing sometimes when if actions are mistaken. How can we show kindness? How can we be clear about our intentions to do good for others?

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EmoHeads Up

ایمو سر بالا

بازی “حدس بزن” را انجام بدهید و به دوستتان کمک کنید تا کلمات مربوط به احساسات را حدس بزند.

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Circles of Belonging

تعلق کے حلقے

تعلق کے احساس کا ھونا خیالی یا تصوراتی چیز نھیں ۔ ھم کئ ایسے گروہ شمار کر سکتے ھیں جن سے ھمارا تعلق ھوتا ھے، اسی طرح ھم کئ ایسے لوگوں کے نام لے سکتے ھیں جن سے ھم پیار کرتے ھیں۔

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Circles of Belonging

حلقه های تعلق

داشتن حس تعلق الزاما نباید ذهنی باشد— ما می توانیم تعداد گروه هایی که در آنها عضو هستیم را بشماریم واسم افرادی را که با آنها حس دوستانه ای داریم راهم نام ببریم

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Friendship Medal

مدال دوستی

در این غرفه، شما روی نشان دادن حس قدردانی از یکدیگر وسهیم شدن در حس خوشایند آنها در مورد خودشان تمرین می کنید.

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Grateful Mail


感謝をすることは、たくさんの恩恵へとつながっています。子供たちに感謝の姿勢をもって育つことを、どのように教えることができるでしょうか? このアクティビティでは、子供たち(大人も!)が、感謝していることについて作品を作ります。そして、大好きな人にその作品を贈ります。

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Emotion Garden



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HeartMath Intuitive Listening

心と身体で聴く力 by HeartMath


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Build your Community



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