Know Yourself

EmoMonster ( Türk Dili )

EmoMonster ( Türk Dili )

Duyguları keşfetmek için kendi "EMO MONSTER" kartınızı oluşturun – kendinize ve başkalarına dair
içgörüyü artırmak için duygu sözcük dağarcığınızı geliştirin.

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EmoMonster ( Türk Dili )

EmoMonster Karten

Hier wirst du eine „EmoMonster Karte“ herstellen um Gefühle zu erforschen und um den Wortschatz für Emotionen für dich selbst und andere zu erweitern.

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EmoMonster ( Türk Dili )


Crea tu propia “carta de monstrua” para explorar sentimientos — aumenta tu vocabulario emocional para imcrementar tu autocomprensión y la de los demás

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EmoMonster ( Türk Dili )


Crie seu próprio “cartão de monstro” para explorar sentimentos — aumente seu vocabulário de emoções para ampliar suas percepções sobre você e os outros.

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EmoMonster ( Türk Dili )


Krijoni “kartën tuaj të përbindëshit” për të eksploruar ndjenjat – rritni fjalorin e emocioneve për të rritur njohurit për veten dhe të tjerët.

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U ovoj radionici ti i tvoj partner ili grupa igrat ćete Emokarte igru spajanja. Cilj je osvojiti što više parova moguće … i naučiti nove riječi koje opisuju osjećaje!

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Emotion Garden

Emotion Garden

We don’t always appreciate the special people in our lives. Let’s think about one special person and pay attention to the feelings they share with us. We can show them gratitude and tell them how much care.

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Emotional Iceberg

Emotional Iceberg

Think of an iceberg; what is visible above the ocean surface is only a small part of the whole. Create an Emotion Iceberg to explore the visible and hidden parts of your thoughts/feelings/actions.

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Create a “speedometer of emotion” to explore the intensity of feelings — grow emotion vocabulary to increase insight to self and others.

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Emotions Cup

Emotions Cup

In this activity, you will draw four different emotions on your “Emotion Cup” use it to share how you are feeling. Students can use this cup to communicate their feelings with others.

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In questa postazione, costruirai un “Emozionometro” (simile al tachimetro della macchina) mostrando come la rabbia possa andare da un livello molto basso/poco a molto alto/tanto in 9 passi. Poi, ne farai un altro su un’altra emozione a tua scelta.

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Entra in Sintonia Heart Math

Entra in Sintonia Heart Math

Impareremo ad usare uno strumento utile per risolvere i problemi. Imparando a entrare più in sintonia –quando funzioniamo al meglio- la parte pensante del nostro cervello è più attiva di quella reattiva—possiamo pensare più facilmente a possibili soluzioni. Per iniziare, scegli un piccolo problema o una difficoltà che stai vivendo in questo periodo. Ci vuole tempo per diventare bravi con questa abilità.

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Esperanza en Acción

Esperanza en Acción

¿Qué impulsa tu compromiso de trabajar hacia el ODS 13? Inspirados por una cita, crearán un
recordatorio sobre la esperanza y plan de acción para la Acción Climática

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Feeling Walk

Feeling Walk

At this station you and a partner or small group will explore how you feel about different situations.

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Gender Line

Gender Line

What makes someone honest, caring, kind or brave? Are these qualities reserved for some people but not others? In this activity, children sort qualities by gender and have discussions about gender stereotypes.

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Gender Line

Gender Line

What makes someone honest, caring, kind or brave? Are these qualities reserved for some people but not others? In this activity children sort qualities by gender and have discussions about gender stereotypes.

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