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Circles of Belonging

Circles of Belonging

Having a sense of belonging doesn’t have to be abstract — we can count the number of groups we belong to, and we can name the people with whom we feel loved.

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Circles of Belonging

Círculos de pertenencia

Contar con sentido de pertenencia no tiene por qué ser un concepto abstracto – podemos contar el número de grupos a los que pertenecemos, y podemos nombrar a las personas con las que nos sentimos identificados y amados.

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Climate Feelings Poster

Climate Feelings Poster

It can feel overwhelming to think about Climate Change. There are lots of troubling things happening like storms, floods, fires, droughts, and heatwaves. How do you feel about it? What action step would you take? In this activity, children create a climate change poster and put their feelings into action to contribute to positive change.

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Color Your Heart

Color Your Heart

At this station, you’ll identify emotions you are feeling and color a heart to represent what is going on inside.

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Color Your Heart

Colora il tuo Cuore

In questa attività, darai un nome alle emozioni che provi e colorerai un cuore che rappresenta che cosa sta succedendo dentro di te.

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Color Your Heart

Colorear tu corazón

En esta estación identificarás emociones que estás experimentando e iluminarás un corazón que represente lo que sientes en tu interior.

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Color Your Heart

Colorie ton Coeur

Dans cette activité, tu identifieras les émotions que tu ressens et tu coloreras le Coeur pour représenter ce qui se passe en toi .

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Correo agradecido

Correo agradecido

El practicar la gratitud está ligado a la obtención de varios beneficios. ¿Cómo podemos enseñar a nuestros niños a crecer con una “actitud de gratitud”? En esta actividad, los niños (y adultos) podrán realizar una manualidad sobre las cosas que agradecen, y podrán compartirla con alguien querido.

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Dear FutureMe

Dear FutureMe

In this activity, you will learn about the sustainable development goals and think about what actions you can take to help support them.

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Dostluk Madalyası

Dostluk Madalyası

Bu istasyonda, birbirinizi takdir etme alıştırması yapacak ve başkalarının kendilerini iyi hissetmelerine
katkıda bulunacaksınız.

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Dove le senti?

Dove le senti?

Mettere in relazione le emozioni alle diverse parti del corpo, aumentare la consapevolezza di come sentiamo le emozioni.

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Duygu Buzdağı

Duygu Buzdağı

Bir buzdağını düşünün. Okyanus yüzeyinde görünen bölümü bütünün küçük bir parçasıdır. İkim
değişimine ilişkin duygularınızı bir buzdağı olarak düşünün. Görüşlerinizin altında yatan düşünce
ve duyguları farkedin.

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E Gabuar apo Ndryshe

E Gabuar apo Ndryshe

Këtu do të marrim në konsideratë faktin nëse një ide është E GABUAR apo NDRYSHE dhe sesi ju ndiheni në lidhje me dy fjalët e sipërpërmendura.

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Egyedi vagyok

Egyedi vagyok

Ennél az állomásnál a résztvevők egy képet rajzolnak magukról és a legjobb barátjukról.

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El huevo de la esperanza

El huevo de la esperanza

La esperanza es crucial para el crecimiento; Transforma tiempos difíciles en oportunidades de crecimiento. En este como un divertido desafío de equilibrio de huevos, niños y adultos encontrarán una amplia oportunidad para practicar la esperanza.

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