Gender Line
What makes someone honest, caring, kind or brave? Are these qualities reserved for some people but not others? In this activity children sort qualities by gender and have discussions about gender stereotypes.
Read moreWhat makes someone honest, caring, kind or brave? Are these qualities reserved for some people but not others? In this activity children sort qualities by gender and have discussions about gender stereotypes.
Read moreLa Gentilezza può essere qualcosa di più profondo che dire “per favore” e “grazie”. Alle volte, quando le azioni vengono fraintese, può generarsi confusione. Come possiamo mostrarci gentili? Come possiamo fare in modo che le nostre buone intenzioni verso gli altri siano chiare?
Read moreIn questa attività, guarderai alle diverse situazioni attraverso il tuo punto di vista e quello degli altri.
Read moreIn questa attività, utilizzando una girandola, imparerai come utilizzare il vento per l’energia pulita. L’energia è la capacità di fare qualcosa.
Read moreTaking care of yourself helps us take care of other people. One of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of bacteria is washing your hands.
Read moreSetting Goals is a proven way to empower people and help them achieve (their own definition of) success. This activity will shows kids a fun (and yummy!) way to set goals and take action steps toward reaching them.
Read moreEstablecer objetivos es una manera comprobada de empoderar a las personas y ayudarlas a alcanzar el éxito (en la concepción que cada uno tiene del mismo). Esta actividad mostrará a los niños una manera divertida (y deliciosa) para establecer objetivos y tomar acción para alcanzarlos.
Read moreNa ovoj radionici napravit ćete recept za odlične odnose.
Read moreZamislite svoj omiljeni obrok. Da bismo napravili ovaj obrok trebali bismo slijediti recept. Koji su nam sastojci potrebni? Danas ćemo pomoću ,,sastojaka’’ za veze, osmisliti Recept za dobre veze.
Read morePracticing gratitude is linked with so many benefits, how can we teach our children to grow up with an “attitude of gratitude”? In this activity, kids (and adults!) will make art about what they are grateful for, then they will send the art to someone they love.
Read moreAllenare la gratitudine porta molti benefici; come possiamo migliorare la nostra “attitudine ad essere grati”? In questa attività, i ragazzi (e gli adulti!) faranno un lavoro artistico ispirandosi a cose per cui sono grati, quindi consegneranno la loro creazione ad una persona importante per loro.
Read morePagalvokite apie aisbergą. Kas yra matoma, o kas yra giliau po vandeniu? Sukurkite Emocijų
aisbergą, susijusį su klimato kaitos tema.
Pagalvokite apie skirtingas bendruomenes ir jas sudarančius komponentus. Tada kūrybiškai
pasidalinkite mintimis, idėjomis apie idealios bendruomenės kūrimą.
Repare nas diferentes comunidade e explore os fatores principais de uma comunidade. De seguida,
expresse criativamente as tuas ideias sobre a tua comunidade sustentável ideal.
Imagjino një akullnajë; çfarë është e dukshme mbi sipërfaqen e oqeanit nuk është veçse një pjesë
e vogël e së tërës. Krijo një Akullnajë Emocionesh për ndryshimet klimatike në mënnyrë që të
eksplorosh idetë dhe ndjenjat që ndodhen nën idetë e tua.
Think of an iceberg; what is visible above the ocean surface is only a small part of the whole. Create an Emotion Iceberg about climate change to explore your ideas and your feelings that are underneath your ideas.
Read moreShikojme ne lloje te ndryshme komunitetesh dhe te eksplorojme perberesit kryesore ten je komuniteti.Me pas kreativisht shprehim ide nga komuniteti juaj ideal.
Read moreLook at different kinds of communities to explore the key ingredients of a community.. Then, creatively express ideas of your own ideal sustainable community.
Read moreРазгледайте различни видове общности, за да изследвате ключовите съставки на една общност .. След това, креативно изразете идеи за вашата идеална устойчива общност.
Read more氷山を思い浮かべてみましょう。海面に見えているものは、全体の小さな一部にすぎません。気候変動に関する感情の氷山を可視化し、あなたの考えのもっと深くにある気持ちや思考を探索してみましょう。
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