


In questa postazione, costruirai un “Emozionometro” (simile al tachimetro della macchina) mostrando come la rabbia possa andare da un livello molto basso/poco a molto alto/tanto in 9 passi. Poi, ne farai un altro su un’altra emozione a tua scelta.

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Energie Renouvelable des Emotions

Energie Renouvelable des Emotions

Dans cette station, vous trouverez comment vous donner de l’énergie lorsque
vous vous sentez impuissant à propos du changement climatique en générant
différent idées.

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Entra in Sintonia Heart Math

Entra in Sintonia Heart Math

Impareremo ad usare uno strumento utile per risolvere i problemi. Imparando a entrare più in sintonia –quando funzioniamo al meglio- la parte pensante del nostro cervello è più attiva di quella reattiva—possiamo pensare più facilmente a possibili soluzioni. Per iniziare, scegli un piccolo problema o una difficoltà che stai vivendo in questo periodo. Ci vuole tempo per diventare bravi con questa abilità.

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Esperanza en Acción

Esperanza en Acción

¿Qué impulsa tu compromiso de trabajar hacia el ODS 13? Inspirados por una cita, crearán un
recordatorio sobre la esperanza y plan de acción para la Acción Climática

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Feast of Great Relationships

Feast of Great Relationships

Think of your favorite meal. To make this meal, we might follow a recipe. What are some of the ingredients we need? Today, using relationship ingredients, we’re going to create a Recipe for Great Relationships.

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Feeling Walk

Feeling Walk

At this station you and a partner or small group will explore how you feel about different situations.

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Feast of Great Relationships

Festa e marrëdhënieve të mëdha

Mendoni për ushqimin tuaj të preferuar. Për ta përgatitur këtë pjatë, mund të ndjekim një recetë. Kush janë disa nga ingredientët që na duhen? Sot, duke përdorur ingredientë marrëdhëniesh, ne do të krijojmë nje Recetë për Marrëdhënie të Shkëlqyera.

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Flying Goals

Flying Goals

In this activity, you will learn about the sustainable development goals and think about what actions you can take to help support them while making a shareable craft.

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Friendship Medal

Friendship Medal

At this station, you’ll practice showing appreciation of each other and contribute to others feeling good about themselves.

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Frymëmarrja e Dallgëve

Frymëmarrja e Dallgëve

Këtu të rriturit dhe të vegjëlit do të krijojnë dallgë ndjenjash dhe do t’i qetësojnë ato gradualisht nëpërmjet frymëmarrjeve të thella dhe të ngadalta.

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Gender Line

Gender Line

What makes someone honest, caring, kind or brave? Are these qualities reserved for some people but not others? In this activity, children sort qualities by gender and have discussions about gender stereotypes.

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