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Glitter Handshake

Glitter Handshake

Taking care of yourself helps us take care of other people. One of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of bacteria is washing your hands.

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Goal Pizza

Goal Pizza

Setting Goals is a proven way to empower people and help them achieve (their own definition of) success. This activity will shows kids a fun (and yummy!) way to set goals and take action steps toward reaching them.

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Goal Pizza

Goal Pizza (Español)

Establecer objetivos es una manera comprobada de empoderar a las personas y ayudarlas a alcanzar el éxito (en la concepción que cada uno tiene del mismo). Esta actividad mostrará a los niños una manera divertida (y deliciosa) para establecer objetivos y tomar acción para alcanzarlos.

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Gozba odličnih odnosa

Gozba sjajne veze

Zamislite svoj omiljeni obrok. Da bismo napravili ovaj obrok trebali bismo slijediti recept. Koji su nam sastojci potrebni? Danas ćemo pomoću ,,sastojaka’’ za veze, osmisliti Recept za dobre veze.

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Grateful Mail

Grateful Mail

Practicing gratitude is linked with so many benefits, how can we teach our children to grow up with an “attitude of gratitude”? In this activity, kids (and adults!) will make art about what they are grateful for, then they will send the art to someone they love.

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Grateful Mail

Gratitudine in Consegna

Allenare la gratitudine porta molti benefici; come possiamo migliorare la nostra “attitudine ad essere grati”? In questa attività, i ragazzi (e gli adulti!) faranno un lavoro artistico ispirandosi a cose per cui sono grati, quindi consegneranno la loro creazione ad una persona importante per loro.

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Hapësira e Inovatorit

Hapësira e Inovatorit

Në këtë aktivitet, fëmijët do të flasin për shembuj të krijuesve të shkëlqyeshëm. Pastaj identifikoni gjëra dhe vende të caktuara që i ndihmojnë ata të bëhen krijues. Ata do të përdorin brendesine dhe imagjinatën e tyre për të krijuar një hapësirë ​​ideale inovacioni për veten e tyre përmes vizatimit.

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HeartMath Get in Sync

HeartMath Get in Sync

We are now going to learn a simple tool that helps with problem solving. By learning to get more in sync–when we are functioning at our best – our thinking brain is more active than our reactive brain–we can more easily come up with possible solutions. To begin with, choose a small or modest-sized problem or issue. It does take practice to become good at this skill.

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Hópar sem við tilheyrum

Hópar sem við tilheyrum

Að finnst við vera hluti af hópi þarf ekki að vera áþreifanlegt — við getum talið þá hópa sem við tilheyrum og við getum nefnt þau á nafn sem þykir vænt um okkur.

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Hunger Marionette

Hunger Marionette

In this activity, children will make their own puppet show using homemade marionettes to explore different situations around hunger and sharing food.

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Iceberg Emocional

Iceberg Emocional

Piense en un iceberg; lo que es visible sobre la superficie de océano es sólo una pequeña parte del conjunto. Crea un Iceberg Emocional para explorar las partes visibles y ocultas de sus pensamientos/sentimientos/acciones.

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